Release Date
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MOD Name Description Download Link
2018/07/31 2019/07/16 Teen Goku
Teen Goku
Replaces Great Ape. Comes with two additional fixes:
  1. Kid Goku's transformation is disabled for obvious reasons.
  2. In Common Enemy (the first Dragon History scenario), you play as Teen Goku instead of Goku (Early).
2018/07/31 2018/07/31 Cyborg Tao FIX
Cyborg Tao FIX
Basically General Tao with Cyborg Tao's skin.
It is already included for Goku (Early) - False Super Saiyan, but I chose to release it separately anyway.
2018/07/31 2019/05/17 Goku (Early) - False Super Saiyan
False Super Saiyan Goku (Early)
Replaces Cyborg Tao. Comes with the Cyborg Tao FIX, which restores Cyborg Tao but in General Tao's 2nd slot. DLDOWNLOAD
2018/08/07 2019/07/17 Eis Shenron
Eis Shenron
Replaces Great Ape King Vegeta. As a result, it comes with a fix which disables King Vegeta's transformation. DLDOWNLOAD
2018/08/07 2019/07/17 Nuova Shenron - Shell Form
Nuova Shenron - Shell Form
Replaces Nuova Shenron's 2nd costume with a better recolor. DLDOWNLOAD
2018/08/11 2019/06/16 Uub (Remastered)
Uub (Remastered)
Replaces Uub's 2nd costume with the one seen in Dragon Ball Multiverse.
Comes with a few moveset changes (mainly for Majuub), and also VFX changes.
2018/08/14 2018/08/14 Turles with Cape
Turles with Cape
Replaces Turles's 2nd costume with the one seen at the beginning of Tree of Might. DLDOWNLOAD
2018/09/07 2019/05/19 My very first modpack: a collaboration featuring me and WitchettyMan.
Our intention was to give a scouterless option to characters who already have (and likely don't need) scouters.
2018/10/22 2019/09/26 Nappa with Scouter
Nappa with Scouter
Gives Nappa's 1st costume a scouter like that of Vegeta's, but with a blue glass (as shown in the anime). DLDOWNLOAD
2018/10/22 2018/10/22 Replaces 2 out of the 3 loading screens with Goku charging a Spirit Bomb and teleporting via Ultra Instinct. DLDOWNLOAD
2018/10/27 2019/07/23 Unnamed Commander
Unnammed Commander
Gives Cui's 2nd costume the appearance of a Kiwian who briefly appeared in the 97th episode of Dragon Ball Z. DLDOWNLOAD
2018/11/19 2018/11/19 Destroy the Planet! (Modded Death Ball)
Destroy The Planet!
Gives Final Form Frieza's Ultimate Blast different animations, as well as the ability to destroy planets. DLDOWNLOAD
2018/11/19 2018/11/19 Supernova for Frieza - 1st Form
Supernova for Frieza - 1st Form
Replaces 1st Form Frieza's Death Ball with a Supernova, like that of Mecha Frieza's. DLDOWNLOAD
2018/11/22 2019/06/04 Tenshinhan with White T-Shirt
Tenshinhan with White T-Shirt
Gives Tien his appearance during the Cell Games. DLDOWNLOAD
2018/11/24 2018/11/24 Father-Son Solar Kamehameha
Father-Son Solar Kamehameha
Replaces Super Perfect Cell and Cell Jr's Ultimate Blasts with Modded versions of Bros. Kamehameha. DLDOWNLOAD
2018/12/16 2018/12/16 One-Handed Father-Son Kamehameha V1
One-Handed Father-Son Kamehameha
My first attempt at making Super Saiyan 2 Teen Gohan's Ultimate Blast only use one hand.
In order to achieve that, I used animations from Super Saiyan Vegeta and Super Saiyan Future Gohan.
2019/01/12 2019/01/12 Bio-Broly (Remastered)
Bio-Broly (Remastered)
Replaces Great Ape Bardock. Original mod made by Chuchoman/Kinnikuchu.
Includes a censored (and uncensored) of Bio-Broly's naked appearance minutes before being deformed.
2019/01/20 2019/04/28 Majin Buu (Remastered)
Majin Buu (Remastered)
Replaces Evil Buu and Super Buu's 2nd costumes with Zen Buu from Dragon Ball Multiverse.
Most importantly, it gives Evil Buu better Blast 1's and the ability to transform into Super Buu.
2019/01/22 2019/01/22 Adult Gohan (Remastered)
Adult Gohan (Remastered)
Gives Adult Gohan his father's gi, as well as the ability to transform into Ultimate Gohan, like in Budokai 3. DLDOWNLOAD
2019/02/10 2019/07/21 Hell Fighter #17
Hell Fighter #17
Replaces Spopovich with an evil clone of Android #17, who is able to fuse with said #17 into Super Android #17. DLDOWNLOAD
2019/02/24 2019/02/24 Red Z-Items turned into Skill Z-Items
Red Z-Items turned into Skill/Yellow Z-Items
Red Z-Items are hidden Z-Items that the developers used for game modes like Dragon History and Ultimate Battle.
This mod turns them into yellow ones, which means they can be bought in the Item Shop.
Results may vary in Duel Mode, since not every Red Z-Item in question actually works as intended.
2019/02/28 2019/02/28 Ginyu in Vegeta's Body
and Vegeta in Goku's Body
Ginyu in Vegeta's Body & Vegeta in Goku's Body
Based on a what-if scenario where Captain Ginyu's 2nd Body Change ends up being successful.
This mod gives Vegeta (Scouter) the look of Goku (Mid), and Captain Ginyu the look of Vegeta with Jeice's scouter.
2019/03/06 2019/10/24 Vegeta (Remastered)
Vegeta (Remastered)
Gives every Vegeta besides Vegeta (Scouter) more outfits, such as the one seen in Dragon Ball GT.
It also gives Vegeta (second form) the ability to transform into Majin Vegeta or Super Saiyan 4 Vegeta.
2019/05/16 2019/05/18 Goku (Early) - Kaio-ken
Goku (Early) - Kaio-ken
Easily one of my favorite mods, with the most effort I've ever put in. Replaces Great Ape Fasha.
Comes with two versions, and one fix for both of them (which disables Fasha's ability to transform).
Version 1 works for Goku (Early) - False Super Saiyan, while Version 2 doesn't.
2019/05/29 2019/05/29 Piccolo (Early) - Giant Form
Piccolo (Early) - Giant Form
Replaces Great Ape Raditz, which is why it comes with a fix that disables Raditz's ability to transform. DLDOWNLOAD
2019/06/02 2019/06/02 Piccolo with Turban and No Cape
Piccolo with Turban and No Cape
Gives both Piccolo (Early) and Piccolo (End) just the turban, with the only difference being in the belt.
This mod comes in two versions: one for Piccolo (Early) - Giant Form, the other containing just the mod.
2019/06/09 2019/06/09 Future Gohan with Cybernetic Arm
and Future Gohan with One Arm
Future Gohan with Cybernetic Arm and One Arm
The 1st mod is based on a what-if scenario where Bulma actually builds Future Gohan a new arm.
The design for it was wonderfully animated by Anomian on Deviantart, but I tweaked it a bit for the mod.
Unfortunately for Gohan, the 2nd mod is him missing his left arm after what the Androids did to him.
2019/06/13 2019/06/13 Super Kaio-ken (Modded Blast 1)
Super Kaio-ken
Replaces Super Saiyan Goku (End)'s Saiyan Soul with a Modded version of Goku (Early)'s Kaio-ken.
This time, the red aura stays permanently, and it even hurts the opponent, unless a Super/Ultimate Attack is fired.
Also, the Kaio-ken effect lasts longer because the Blast 1 assures that Goku goes in MAX POWER Mode.
2019/06/16 2019/06/16 Ghost Nappa
Ghost Nappa
Based on an in-joke from season 2 of DBZ Abridged, this mod turns Nappa into a ghost.
For comedic reasons, his Aura Charge is disabled, and his 1st Blast 1 is renamed to "Ghost Soul".
2019/06/18 2019/06/18 Tenshinhan (Dragon Ball)
Tenshinhan (Dragon Ball)
Gives Tien his appearance from the 22nd World Martial Arts Tournament,
in which he wears purple pants (instead of green), and has no scar on his chest... yet.
2019/06/21 2019/06/21 Power Up to the Very Limit FIX
Power Up to the Very Limit FIX
This mod fixes Super Saiyan 3 Goku (End)'s 2nd Blast 1, so that it actually boosts all stats by 5%,
the same way it would for any other character. Originally, it would only grant MAX POWER Mode.
2019/06/23 2019/06/23 Angry Kamehameha with Better VFX
Angry Kamehameha with Better VFX
Replaces the VFX used for Super Saiyan Goku (Mid)'s Angry Kamehameha with the ones from Nappa's Kapa.
It also gives Super Saiyan Goku (End) a chargeable variant of this move,
and both of them say "YOU FOOL!" upon firing it, just like in the anime.
This mod comes in two versions: one assumes you have Super Kaio-ken installed, the other doesn't.
2019/06/28 2019/06/28 Piccolo with Whis Gi
Piccolo with Whis Gi
Based on a what-if scenario, where Piccolo is also trained by Whis, not just Goku and Vegeta.
The design for this mod was inspired by Piccolo's 2nd outfit on Super Dragon Ball Z,
as well as a particular design made by Namekiankai on Deviantart.
In addition, Piccolo (Early) is able to transform into a Super Namekian Blue, which is a reskin of Piccolo (End).
2019/07/05 2019/09/26 Trunks (Sword) with Battle Armor
Trunks (Sword) with Battle Armor
Based on his unlockable costume in Budokai 3, this mod gives Trunks (Sword) his father's battle armor,
while still keeping his sword, whose holder has been recolored to resemble that of the Budokai series.
2019/07/11 2024/08/19 Red, Green & Blue Screens
Red/Green/Blue Screen
Preferably useful for video editing. The following maps have been replaced:
  1. Desert - Night --> Blue Screen;
  2. Mountain Road - Evening --> Red Screen;
  3. Planet - Evening --> Green Screen.
2019/07/28 2020/08/20 Vegito & Gogeta (Remastered)
Vegito/Gogeta (Remastered)
Inspired by several modders who have made such fusion revamps before me.
My take on it consists of many moveset changes and new costumes.
2019/08/07 2019/08/07 Vegito Blue
Vegito Blue
Replaces Great Ape Nappa. Comes with Super Saiyan Blue Gogeta as his 2nd costume,
as well as two versions of said mod: one with additional files for Vegito/Gogeta (Remastered), the other without them.
2019/09/10 2019/11/15 Kid Goku Doll
Kid Goku Doll
Replaces Grandpa Gohan's 2nd costume, because his Special Attacks are the closest to Kid Goku's.
Special Thanks to WitchettyMan for requesting and fixing the textures for this mod!
2019/09/28 2019/09/28 Bardock - Super Saiyan
Bardock - Super Saiyan
Replaces Kibito Kai. Comes with a fix that disables Supreme Kai's transformation, as well as a scouterless costume. DLDOWNLOAD
2019/10/04 2019/10/04 Goku (Remastered)
Goku (Remastered)
Includes Angry Kamehameha as Super Saiyan Goku (End)'s 1st Blast 2,
as well as the Power Up to the Very Limit fix for Super Saiyan 3 Goku (End).
This mod also comes with many moveset and costume changes, particularly for his Super Saiyan 2/4 forms.
2019/10/13 2019/10/13 Cell (Remastered)
Cell (Remastered)
Improves Cell's 2nd costume so that it looks more like Cell Jr, as shown by the orange eyes and skin tone.
Replaces Semi-Perfect Cell's Drain Life Cell with Galick Gun, and gives Perfect Cell the ability to detransform.
2019/10/23 2020/09/01 Super Saiyan God Goku & Vegeta
Super Saiyan God Goku & Vegeta
Gives Goku and Vegeta their Super Saiyan God forms as alternate costumes of their Super Saiyan 4 forms. DLDOWNLOAD
2019/11/06 2019/11/06 Dragon Rush (Modded Blast 2)
Dragon Rush (Modded Blast 2)
Replaces Master Roshi - MAX Power's Kamehameha with the Turtle School Ultimate Fist from Tenkaichi 2.
This way, he gets to keep both rushes, although Blast Combos are unfortunately disabled.
2019/11/20 2019/11/20 Teen Gohan with Movie 8 Outfit
Dragon Rush (Modded Blast 2)
Gives Teen Gohan the outfit he's seen wearing in the first Broly movie. DLDOWNLOAD
2019/11/23 2019/11/23 Vegeta (second form) - Super Saiyan 3
Vegeta (second form) - Super Saiyan 3
Replaces Yajirobe with Vegeta's what-if form known from the Raging Blast series.
As expected, it comes with two versions: one with additional files for Vegeta (Remastered), the other without them.
2019/12/05 2019/11/23 Goku (End) - Super Saiyan Blue
Goku (End) - Super Saiyan Blue
Replaces Salza, which is why it includes a fix that puts Salza in Jeice's 2nd costume.
The mod also comes with additional files for these conflicting mods:
  1. For Super Saiyan God Goku;
  2. For Goku (Remastered);
  3. Neither of them, just the mod on its own.
2019/12/14 2019/12/14 As the title says, it comes with 12 random mods I made around the same time:
  1. Android 13 without his Trucker Hat, as his 2nd costume;
  2. Cold Family Power, but Meta-Cooler shows up instead of Mecha Frieza;
  3. Goku (End) - Super Saiyan Full Power;
  4. Grandpa Gohan without his mask or the halo above his head;
  5. A night-time version of Kami's Lookout;
  6. Mecha Cooler as Meta-Cooler's 2nd costume;
  7. Nail with his blue jacket, as Nail's 2nd costume;
  8. A new set of loading screens, which use better 8-bit sprites;
  9. The Random selection image turned into a recolor for Goku (Mid);
  10. A repaired version of Android 16, with the Capsule Corp badge;
  11. Purple Comet Attack, performed by Salza (as Jeice's 2nd costume) and Cooler - Final Form (instead of Burter);
  12. Mercenary Tao without his gi, as his 2nd costume.
2019/12/29 2019/11/23 Legendary Super Saiyan (Modded Scenario)
Legendary Super Saiyan (Modded Scenario)
The entirety of this scenario takes place in Namek rather than Dying Namek, since that's how it was in the anime.
Unfortunately, the planet does NOT blow up on its own.
Although, Goku (Mid) starts out the battle with his undershirt still intact (well, it's still damaged a bit).
2020/01/27 2020/01/27 Vegeta (second form) - Super Saiyan Blue
Vegeta (second form) - Super Saiyan Blue
Replaces Syn Shenron. Comes with a fix that adds Syn Shenron as Omega Shenron's 2nd costume.
It includes 3 different versions of the mod as well:
  1. For Super Saiyan God Vegeta;
  2. For Vegeta (Remastered);
  3. Neither of them, just the mod on its own.
2020/01/31 2020/01/31 Golden Frieza
Golden Frieza
Replaces Great Ape Bardock. Comes with two versions of the same fix: one containing additional files
for the Zero Scouter Plan, the other containing just the mod. Point is, Bardock can no longer transform.
2020/02/04 2020/02/04 Destructo Disc for Perfect Cell
Destructo Disc for Perfect Cell
Replaces Perfect Cell's Barrage Death Beam with a recreation of his Destructo Disc from Tenkaichi 2.
As expected, because this mod comes in conflict with Cell (Remastered), there are two versions of this mod.
2020/04/16 2020/04/16 Future Trunks from DBS Flashback
Future Trunks from DBS Flashback
Gives Future Trunks his appearance from the flashback in the 58th episode of Dragon Ball Super. DLDOWNLOAD
2020/04/23 2020/04/23 Teen Gohan (Semi-damaged)
Teen Gohan (Semi-damaged)
Gives Teen Gohan a slightly battledamaged look, as well as a huge blood splatter on his forehead and lips. DLDOWNLOAD
2020/05/10 2020/05/10 Super Buu - Piccolo & Vegeta Absorbed
Teen Gohan (Semi-damaged)
Gives Super Buu two new absorptions from Budokai 2/3 as alternate costumes of Buutenks and Buuhan. DLDOWNLOAD
2020/05/14 2020/05/14 What If Cell Turned Good
What If Cell Turned Good
Based on MasakoX's What-If series about a pure-hearted version of Cell, with blue eyes and Piccolo's gi. DLDOWNLOAD
2020/06/14 2020/06/14 This mod will only work for vanilla ISO's. Other ISO's out in the wild are already personalized
(modified to the person's liking), so the mod installation process will obviously be different.
It adds only four of Tenkaichi 2's best songs: Gatebreaker, Mind Space, Lost Courage, and Dark Half.
2020/06/19 2020/06/19 False Super Saiyan (Modded Scenario)
False Super Saiyan (Modded Scenario)
This mod will work as intended IF AND ONLY IF the Goku (Early) - False Super Saiyan mod is installed first.
Otherwise, there will be no changes made to the scenario, since the transformation sequences will be skipped.
2020/07/01 2020/07/01 Ultra Divine Water (Modded Z-Item)
Ultra Divine Water (Modded Z-Item)
Like the case with Customized Soundtrack (Version 1), this mod will only work for vanilla ISO's.
It adds a new Z-Item that increases all stats by 7.5% for each health bar (10000 HP) lost,
but the chosen fighter will have to start out the battle with one health bar less.
2020/07/11 2020/07/11 This mod will only work for Modding Revolution, since my self-insert is exclusive to that ISO.
As shown in the video, it allows Vive to reach an existential crisis upon encountering the Golden Oozaru.
2020/08/04 2020/08/04 Goku Strikes Back (Modded Scenario)
Goku Strikes Back (Modded Scenario)
If Demon King Piccolo gets killed early (before the last R3 event occurs), then the mod will
make Future Trunks take Kid Goku's place (instead of Chi-Chi) right when Tambourine appears.
Because of the great difference in power, Future Trunks is able to easily take care of him.
Also, at the beginning of the scenario, Demon King Piccolo doesn't start out with super armor.
However, upon the activation of the 1st R3 event, that effect comes back.
2020/08/09 2020/08/09 Changes Super Saiyan Goku (Mid)'s Meteor Smash so that Super Saiyan Vegeta shows up
during the beginning of the attack, but not the end, since the rush cuts out prematurely.
2020/08/25 2020/08/25 Allows Ultimate Gohan and Buutenks to interact with one-another, just like in the anime.
For comedic effect, their entrance animations have been changed to that of Goku (Early) and Vegeta (Scouter)'s.
2020/08/29 2020/08/29 Replaces Super Saiyan 4 Goku (GT)'s "talkative" voice lines with empty ones,
and backs up the rest of the screams with low-pitched Great Ape screams.
2020/11/01 2020/11/01 Wasteland (Tenkaichi 2)
Wasteland (Tenkaichi 2)
Replaces Wasteland - Noon with the Tenkaichi 2 version of said map.
Because of the map portait being modified as well, this mod only works on vanilla ISOs.
For personalized/modified ISOs, the mod installation procedure will be different.
2020/11/06 2020/11/06 Much like the previous version, this mod only works on vanilla ISOs (unless personalized changes are made).
It now features the rest of the Tenkaichi 2 soundtrack, and not just 4 songs that I liked.
2020/11/20 2020/11/20 Consists of non-playable characters found in Tenkaichi 2, now ported to the sequel.
The list of characters is as follows:
  1. Korin (as Kid Goku's 3rd costume);
  2. Dende (as Chiaotzu's 3rd costume);
  3. Old Kai (as Supreme Kai's 3rd costume);
  4. Mr. Popo (comes with 3 costumes in Grandpa Gohan's place);
  5. King Kai (as Dodoria's 2nd costume);
  6. Fortuneteller Baba (as Babidi's 2nd costume).
2021/02/03 2021/02/03 Quiet Rage (Modded Blast 2) and
One-Handed Father-Son Kamehameha V2
Quiet Rage and One-Handed Father-Son Kamehameha
Replaces Super Saiyan 2 Teen Gohan's Gekiretsu Madan with a recreation of his rush from Raging Blast 1/2.
Also includes the 2nd and last version of One-Handed Father-Son Kamehameha.
Unlike the previous version, it only uses Future Gohan animations. Actually, both of these mods do.
2021/02/03 2021/02/03 Gotenks (Remastered)
Gotenks (Remastered)
Replaces Gotenks's 2nd costume with a Gogeta-themed recolor, and gives Gotenks new Special Attacks
for his base (Victory Crash & Big Tree Kamehameha) and Super Saiyan 3 forms (Super Kamehameha).
Also swaps the animations used for Super Saiyan 1/3 Gotenks's False Courage and Finish Sign.
2021/04/24 2021/04/24 Hyperhyperbolic Time Chamber
Hyperhyperbolic Time Chamber
Extends Hyperbolic Time Chamber's barriers to the point where the barrier texture doesn't even show up. DLDOWNLOAD
2021/04/28 2021/04/28 Mecha Frieza with Green & Red Scouter
Mecha Frieza with Green/Red Scouter
Design inspired by nicocolors's lock screen on Twitter.
Gives Mecha Frieza a fully-working scouter that comes in green (costume 2) or red (costume 3).
2021/05/07 2024/01/20 Gives the following characters their DLC costumes from Raging Blast 2:
  1. Goku (End);
  2. Teen Gohan;
  3. Piccolo;
  4. Krillin;
  5. Yamcha;
  6. Vegeta;
  7. Trunks (Sword);
  8. Vegito;
  9. Gogeta;
  10. Bardock;
  11. Android #17;
  12. Android #18;
  13. Turles;
  14. Broly.
2021/10/31 2024/01/21 Nappa (All Main Forms)
Nappa (All Main Forms)
A modpack I made on Halloween to mock the living crap out of the "GOKU ALL FORMS CHETADO" YouTube trend.
There are two versions of this modpack: one with Nappa's Battle Armor, and the other without it.
2022/01/02 2023/02/04 Imports the following characters from Tenkaichi 3 in place of Tenkaichi 2 alternate costumes:
  1. Goku (GT)**, as Kid Goku;
  2. Kid-Chichi*, as Chiaotzu;
  3. King Vegeta, as Vegeta (Scouter);
  4. King Cold, as Demon King Dabura;
  5. Nail and Tambourine, both as Piccolo;
  6. Nuova Shenron and Nam*, both as Pikkon;
  7. Future Gohan, as Adult Gohan;
  8. Cyborg Tao*, as General Tao;
  9. Fasha**, as Zangya;
  10. Spopovich, as Super Garlic Jr.;
  11. Devilman, as Super Janemba;
  12. General Blue*, as Guldo;
  13. Android #8*, as Super Android #13;
  14. Dr. Wheelo, as Great Ape Vegeta (Scouter).
*These costumes are not able to fly.
**These costumes have their own transformations.
2022/04/01 2022/04/01 Flame Shower Bruuuh (Modded Blast 2)
Flame Shower Bruuuh (Modded Blast 2)
A mod I made on April Fools, once again to make fun of the clickbait Dragon Ball YouTubers rely on.
The premise is that the VFX are kinda brown, and they now come out of Evil Buu's butt instead of his mouth.
2022/05/28 2022/05/28 Multiverse Tournament Stage
Multiverse Tournament Stage
Because of the map selection images and all that, this mod only works on vanilla ISOs,
unless you either customize the mod yourself or install just the map files and nothing else.
Original mod made by Chuchoman/Kinnikuchu.
2022/07/02 2022/07/02 Change The Future (Modded Blast 2)
Change The Future (Modded Blast 2)
Replaces Super Saiyan Trunks (Sword)'s Burning Storm with a recreation of his rush from the Raging Blast series. DLDOWNLOAD
2022/07/28 2022/07/28 Fusion vs. Potara (Modded Scenario)
Fusion vs. Potara (Modded Scenario)
Replaces Dream Battle: Goku vs. Arale with a recreation of the Fusion and Potara scenario from Raging Blast 1. DLDOWNLOAD
2022/09/02 2022/09/02 Unexpected Help (Modded Scenario)
Unexpected Help (Modded Scenario)
Allows you to play as Trunks (Sword) instead of Devilman in Unexpected Help.
Everything else takes off from there, because many changes have been made to the scenario's structure.
2022/09/24 2022/09/24 By far, the greatest modpack I've ever made. It was in the works since late June of 2022.
Here are the characters who have gotten the privilege of getting recolored:
  1. Android #16
  2. Android #17;
  3. Android #18;
  4. Cell;
  5. Demon King Piccolo;
  6. Frieza;
  7. Majin Buu;
  8. Mecha Frieza;
  9. Piccolo (End);
  10. Ultimate Gohan;
  11. Vegeta;
  12. Vegeta (second form).
Keep in mind that the modpack comes with instructions, as well as a gallery to help distinguish the recolors.
Obviously, because Tenkaichi 2's costume limit is set to 6, there will be more recolors for that game.
2023/01/29 2023/01/29 Cooler's Armored Squadron
Cooler's Armored Squadron
In my video showcasing the mods, I replaced Slug and Giant Slug.
However, since the modpack comes with instructions, you'll have to decide the replaced characters on your own.
Although Neiz and Dore are the stars of the show, Salza's animations have been replaced with Tenkaichi 2 ones.
2023/02/05 2023/02/05 Gokule (Goku and Hercule Fusion)
Gokule (Goku and Hercule Fusion)
Although the mod comes with instructions, it has to replace Spopovich (unless you know what you're doing).
Includes the costume files for Goku (End) and Hercule, since those are needed for the fusion sequence to work.
Otherwise, you can choose to install just the what-if fusion from Budokai 2 and nothing else.
2023/03/20 2023/03/20 Introduces three more Majins featured in various What-If games: Majin Cell, Majin Frieza and Majin Piccolo.
Thankfully, this modpack comes with instructions, so you'll have to decide the replaced characters on your own.
2023/03/24 2023/03/24 Tenkaichi-Styled Zenkai Battle Recolors
Tenkaichi-Styled Zenkai Battle Recolors
As of now, this modpack only supports Goku (Mid) and Goku (End), based on what Metal and I had to work with.
More characters may be included in the future - whether that promise is empty or not, only time will tell.
To compensate, the modpack comes with a total of 12 recolors: 4 for Goku (Mid), and 8 for Goku (End).
It also comes with a nice bonus provided by BenZ: shirtless battledamaged costumes for the Buu Saga recolors.
2023/07/20 2023/07/20 A voice modpack made by MetalFrieza3000 and I.
It replaces Super Saiyan Trunks (Sword)'s voice lines with the ones of Leon Kennedy from Resident Evil 4 (2005),
and Super Perfect Cell's voice lines with those of Ash Williams, voiced by Bruce Campbell.
The modpack also comes with a recolor that makes Trunks (Sword) look like Leon Kennedy.
2024/07/03 2024/07/03 GT Goku (Concept Art Colors)
GT Goku (Concept Art Colors)
A recolor of Goku (GT) based on the concept art by Akira Toriyama (RIP) and Katsuyoshi Nakatsuru. DLDOWNLOAD
2024/08/05 2024/08/05 A map modpack that gets rid of all the water from the following maps:
  1. Glacier;
  2. Islands;
  3. Kame House;
  4. Mountain Road - Noon;
  5. Mountain Road - Evening;
  6. Planet Namek.
2024/12/20 2024/12/20 A pack of modded characters & maps that I worked on solely for the Dragon Ball Z League.
Here is what it contains:
  • Characters
    1. Android 21;
    2. Bergamo;
    3. Chilled;
    4. Dyspo;
    5. Frost;
    6. General Rilldo;
    7. Rage Shenron;
    8. Shallet;
    9. Shallot;
  • Maps
    1. King Kai's Planet;
    2. Otherworld Stadium;
    3. Prison Planet;
    4. Tournament of Power;
    5. Tournament of Power - Climax;
    6. Tournament of Power - Final;
    7. World Tournament Stage (DB);
To make this modpack, a lot of assets were taken from other modders, so here is a list of them all:
  • BenZ, for his wonderful Frost models;
  • Darkito1222, for his Shallot portrait;
  • Dino Tenkaichi, for their Giblet and Shallot models (base form);
  • DrozBT3, for his Android 21 & Dyspo portraits;
  • Hunter, for making the Ultimate Blasts of Android 21 and Shallot;
  • Ichigo Z, for their Giblet and Shallot models (Super Saiyan God);
  • Iyura013, for his Bergamo and Rilldo models, as well as Rilldo's portrait;
  • jeanpaul007, for his Bergamo portrait;
  • K3N 67, for his work on Shallot's melee;
  • Kinnikuchu, for the following:
    • His Chilled and Dyspo models;
    • Chilled's portrait;
    • King Kai's Planet;
    • Tournament of Power;
    • Otherworld Stadium;
    • World Tournament Stage (DB).
  • KMS Mods, for their Shallet model;
  • Matheus Nerd, for his Rage Shenron model;
  • MetalFrieza3000, for Frost's voice lines;
  • A certain modder who got outed for selling other modders' commissions, for making Prison Planet.
2024/12/22 2024/12/22 Zangya - Full Power
Zangya - Full Power
Replaces Syn Shenron. Model and moveset ideas provided by snuffysam and BrendaMarzipan. DLDOWNLOAD
2024/12/25 2024/12/25 The POSTAL Dude
Replaces Cyborg Tao.
Model made by Josh Leichliter from Running With Scissors, and ported by DisposingPie.
English voices by Rick Hunter, and Japanese voices by LOCON666.
2024/12/27 2024/12/27 Prilin
Replaces Great Ape. Model made by kuxxi (FW). DLDOWNLOAD
2025/01/14 2025/01/14 Turles - Super Saiyan
Turles - Super Saiyan
Replaces Great Ape Turles. Model made by Deelseton.
Voice lines and some animation/moveset suggestions provided by MetalFrieza3000.
Special Thanks to OliTheMonarchy for providing feedback and most animation/moveset suggestions.
2025/02/14 2025/02/14 King Vegeta - Super Saiyan
King Vegeta - Super Saiyan
Replaces Great Ape King Vegeta. Texture, shaders and some animation/moveset suggestions made by Bεzzo.
Voice lines provided by MetalFrieza3000.
2025/03/24 2025/03/24 Made in honor of Johnny Yong Bosch.
This has nothing to do with what me & others think about Vic Mignogna and his Broly voice.
Voice lines taken from his improved performance of Broly (Z) in Dragon Ball: Sparking! ZERO.

NOTE: This mod does NOT replace the voice lines used in Dragon History (story mode).